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Putere (PWR)
Ochi stâng
Ochi drept
Cilindru (CYL)
Ochi stâng
Ochi drept
Ax (AX)
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Opticianul Bubbly recomandă
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Astigmatismul dvs. este ușor și poate fi corectat cu o lentilă sferică. Contactați-ne prin chat sau trimiteți-ne o fotografie a rețetei dvs. făcând clic pe butonul de mai jos.
Aveți o combinație de putere și cilindru care în prezent nu poate fi corectată cu lentilele noastre. Dacă aveți întrebări, vă rugăm să ne contactați prin chat sau la adresa de email
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"Why convert your eyeglass prescription into a contact lens prescription?"
You'll never guess, but as crazy as it may sound, your eyeglass prescription doesn't match your contact lens prescription. When your ophthalmologist writes your prescription, they don't indicate the same measurements for your prescription glasses or your contact lenses. So how do you convert the information to get lenses that suit your vision? Brice, the expert optician at bubbly, tells you everything! Plus, we've created a glasses-to-contact-lenses conversion tool to make your life easier. You'll have a better understanding of how to convert your glasses to contact lenses after reading this article.
Convert eyeglass prescription to contact lenses.
It all depends on the individual. Indeed, our eyes are unique. Wearing contact lenses doesn't require any particular constraints. If you used to wear glasses before, you can easily switch to contact lenses without much difficulty. It's only during the initial adjustment period that it may take some time for some people. But once you're accustomed, inserting and removing your contact lenses will only take a few seconds.
It's also important to note that people accustomed to glasses may feel some discomfort during the first try. This is a completely normal process. However, after two or three attempts, it becomes much easier. It's crucial, though, to maintain impeccable hygiene when handling your contact lenses.
Is a contact lens more comfortable than a pair of glasses?
Again, it may sound commonplace, but each eye is unique and may react differently to contact lenses. It's very personal, and some people can't tolerate all types of contact lenses, while others can only wear a specific type, and some can't wear them at all. It's a bit like a pair of shoes. It's better to try them to make sure they are comfortable. Moreover, your optician will often conduct trials with you to identify if wearing contact lenses causes any discomfort for you.
Can I order contact lenses without a prescription?
Check your prescription to convert eyeglass correction to contact lens correction.
Otherwise, we've got all the details in our article ordering contact lenses without a prescription.
An eyeglass prescription is a goldmine of information. So, yes, when we talk about a goldmine, sometimes it does feel like you're a treasure hunter because doctors have a habit of writing really small, tiny numbers. But that's not the point. For you, to convert your eyeglass correction to contact lens correction, you'll need to focus on the numbers. Numbers without parentheses mean you only have spherical correction.Numbers in parentheses, for example, "-1(-0.50)60," mean that you also have astigmatism.
Understanding Your Eyeglass Prescription
The prescription provided by the ophthalmologist is generally accompanied by various abbreviations, whether you wear glasses or contact lenses. Each abbreviation indicates specific values.
So, here's a list of information that you can often find:
- OD for the right eye
- OS for the left eye
- VD for distance vision
- NV for near vision
- BC for base curve
- DIA for diameter
- VA for visual acuity
- ADD for addition
- SPH for sphere
- CYL for cylinder
- VI for intermediate vision
- BC for base curve
- SPH for correction power or PWR
- AX for axis
When your ophthalmologist prescribes glasses or when you convert your eyeglass prescription to a contact lens prescription, you will have certain values. These values indicate the level of correction needed for your visual impairment. In the case of contact lenses, the most commonly retained values are SPH, DIA, and BC. Note that often the diameter (DIA) and base curve (BC) of lenses are quite standard and common, and unless specifically specified by your ophthalmologist, these parameters should not significantly affect your comfort.
The SPH value or correction power (sometimes also abbreviated as PWR) indicates the " - " or " + " power depending on the required correction level. This value is generally expressed in "diopters."
When you see a number preceded by a negative sign " - ," it indicates that you have myopia. In other words, your ability to see distant objects is impaired. Conversely, when the number is preceded by a positive sign " + ," you have difficulty seeing up close. In other words, you have hyperopia. If you only have these parameters on your prescription, then you need spherical contact lenses. They can be monthly or daily lenses.

Are you astigmatic, and is your eyeglass prescription different?
If you are astigmatic, your prescription will be slightly different from others. Indeed, you will find different values and abbreviations. Most often, you will see the indications CYL and AXIS.
The abbreviation CYL, which refers to cylinder, is expressed in diopters (negative or positive). This indicates the level of astigmatism, i.e., your ability to perceive distorted objects. In most cases, CYL is enclosed in parentheses.
The abbreviation AXIS (also found under the acronym AXIS) refers to the axis and is expressed in degrees "°." This value refers to the direction of the astigmatism to be corrected.
If you check these boxes on your prescription, an additional adaptation calculation is required. You can either use the calculator above or contact optician Brice directly via the form below. Untreated astigmatism can lead to a significant decrease in vision and eye discomfort when using a computer, phone, or reading a book.
What are the values associated with progressive lenses?
Progressive lenses are often used to treat more complex visual problems. Therefore, your ophthalmologist often mentions an additional value: ADD.
The abbreviation ADD stands for addition. It is specifically the level of additional correction needed to address your near vision problem. It is used to correct presbyopia.
In some cases, the ADD acronym is associated with other indications:
- LO for low
- MED for medium
- HI for high
This indicates the degree of correction to apply based on your specific condition. Similarly, you may find an indication highlighted (L or R) which indicates if one eye is more affected than the other.
As for bubbly progressive lenses, they use advanced new technology that is based on your basic lens prescription and your age to calculate customized and adaptive progressive correction.
What is the validity of a prescription for contact lenses?
Some ophthalmologists may specify an expiration date for their prescription. Therefore, if you exceed the indicated timeframe, you must consult your practitioner again to obtain a new prescription. You may wonder why ophthalmologists set a validity period! The reason is quite simple: your condition can change over time. Thus, if you delay wearing the lenses beyond the specified date, the prescription may need to be adjusted.
In France, following a law enacted on January 26, 2016, prescriptions for contact lenses are valid for 3 years if no specific date is mentioned.
Furthermore, it is strongly advisable to regularly consult your practitioner (once a year is recommended) to renew your prescription. This will help monitor the progression of your condition and determine if a lens change is necessary, especially if your vision has changed.
Why consult an ophthalmologist?
So, this might be obvious to some but not always, as it's not always easy to get an appointment with an ophthalmologist.
When you visit the practitioner, you should know in advance the reason for your visit. In this regard, define in advance if you have a persistent or recurring visual problem, if your personal physician has instructed you to see an eye specialist, if you notice that your eyes are constantly red (even if it doesn't affect your vision), and so on.
The use of glasses or contact lenses is not always inevitable. Indeed, sometimes your eye problem may be temporary or due to an allergic reaction to certain substances you have recently been exposed to. To get a prescription, you must be specific with your ophthalmologist and clearly describe the nature of your problem or what you are experiencing.
To help you remember everything to discuss, here is a list of the most common issues encountered:
- Eye fatigue
- Blurred vision
- Sensitivity to light
- Trouble seeing at a distance or up close
- Vision problems at certain times of the day
- Vision issues related to specific substances
Describing your problem prompts the practitioner to confirm their view through a diagnosis. This can be done in various ways: identifying characters, observing the eye, etc. They will also assess the environment in which you are regularly exposed (workplace, home, etc.). It is based on the results obtained that the ophthalmologist will draw a conclusion about the health of your eyes.
What should you do if you want to change your contact lenses?
What to do in case of a headache while wearing contact lenses?
A bad prescription
Ill-fitting contact lenses
A little time to adjust?
If you've recently started wearing contact lenses and are experiencing headaches, that's not normal! Quickly get everything checked by your ophthalmologist.
Don't forget that in case of prolonged headaches, red eyes, painful eyes, or persistent discomfort in the eye, you should suspend the use of contact lenses and schedule an appointment with your ophthalmologist!